Beyond the Policies: The Secrets to Thriving Corporate Cultures with Pivot HR

improving corporate culture and wellness

Is your Vancouver business struggling with rapid turnover rates and retaining key employees? Are your employees underperforming, disengaged, and appear unhappy overall at work? Are you seeing this behaviour in your employees and are unsure how to fix it? If yes, your business is likely in severe need of a corporate culture overhaul.

Keep reading to learn how a Pivot HR Consultant can help your Vancouver business by improving company culture and retention rate.

Understanding Organizational Culture

Simply put, your culture is your brand. Organizational culture can be defined as the holistic combination of a company’s core values, beliefs, guidelines, policies and practices. A strong culture is one that holistically feels happy, there is a positive energy, your staff enjoy coming to work,

The data doesn’t lie; studies have shown that businesses with a strong company culture have higher productivity rates, creative thinking and collaboration. Organizational culture must be prioritized to be a successful business that retains happy and hard-working employees.

What is quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting is a form of passive absenteeism in response to poor corporate culture. In the post-pandemic world, employees are no longer willing to go above and beyond for a business that won’t do the same in return.

They clock in, do the bare minimum to complete their job, and clock out. Their passive behaviour looks like staying silent in meetings, avoiding additional responsibilities, refusing to work overtime, and more.

Critical Questions for Determining the Quality of Corporate Culture

Employee Dynamics

  • How does the staff get along with each other?
  • Is the office set up in a way that encourages cross-department communication?
  • How does leadership foster positive working relationships between employees and management?

Workplace Practices

  • What policies and practices does your organization have to foster trust, accountability and mutual respect?
  • How does the organization define workplace bullying & harassment; is that in the handbook?

Psychological Safety

  • How do your employees feel when they come to work?
  • Do they feel safe and comfortable speaking to leadership if an issue arises? How are those issues addressed?

Work/Life Balance

  • Is their workload achievable within the 40-hour work week?
  • Can your employees leave work behind at the office and enjoy their personal lives?
  • How often does management check in with their team? Weekly, monthly, semi-annually?

Job Satisfaction

  • How satisfied are your employees with their jobs? Are their responsibilities in line with their role?
  • How frequently are performance reviews conducted?
  • What benefits and reward systems are in place to acknowledge a job well done?

Leadership Plays a Pivotal Role in Culture

Exceptional corporate culture stems from the top down. Organizations can talk the talk and constantly reiterate these values, but if your leadership isn’t representing the culture, it’s not going to stick. It all boils down to accountability: is leadership held to the same standards?

Contact Pivot HR

It’s not too late to reverse the damage and turn over a new leaf for your company culture, and Pivot HR is here to help. We offer HR consulting services for businesses in Vancouver and across Canada.

Contact Pivot HR for a free consultation today.

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