Executive Coaching Vancouver: Defining Your Leadership Style

executive coaching vancouver

Executive leadership is the keystone that maintains the structural foundation of a business. Influential executives understand their leadership style and actively implement it for ultimate success. They are adaptable, savvy and have an intimate understanding of the business. Some of the abilities strong executives showcase are agile decision-making, collaboration with their team, and relationship-building focused on creating a cohesive team.

How do you lead? Everyone leads differently, so here are the five most common leadership styles to familiarize yourself with. Read on to learn how to enhance your innate leadership abilities to inspire your team further!

What is Executive Coaching?

Pivot HR utilizes the Co-Active Training Institute’s (CTI) methodology. It is a people-first approach. Vancouver, the business hub of western Canada, is an ever-evolving competitive landscape that pushes executives to consistently better themselves and their teams.

The first step to bettering your leadership capabilities is identifying your leadership style. Professional development does not stop when you are at the top; the focus merely shifts to maintaining the growth previously honed and specializing in specific areas.

Executive Leadership Coaching with Pivot HR is a highly specialized training specifically tailored to your team’s needs. We pride ourselves on our thorough training curation.

Types of Leadership Styles

  1. Collaborative Leadership

This leadership style heavily emphasizes teamwork, cooperation, and shared decision-making with the team. Collaborative leaders are the cheerleaders of the team. They encourage their team to interact with one another using open communication, mutual respect and collaboration. This type of leadership encourages everyone to work together to achieve common goals sincerely.

  1. Delegative or Laissez-Faire Leadership

A laissez-faire leader operates hands-off, trusting their employees to make decisions and manage their workflow. This style is the opposite of a micro-manager. It is a non-invasive type of leadership that encourages employees to claim ownership over their work. This type of leader is happy to provide minimal supervision and guidance to their team members.

  1. Transformational Leadership

A transformational leader aims to inspire and motivate their team to perform exceptionally. While they may set high standards, transformational leaders encourage each team member to work to improve themselves consistently. This type of leadership encourages innovation and creativity while also providing individually tailored support and mentorship to employees.

  1. Transactional Leadership

A transactional leader’s style focuses on setting explicitly clear expectations with specific goals for employees to strive for. This type of leader is not shy to reward successes or to doll out consequences accordingly. They believe that having something to work towards provides individuals with initiative.

  1. Servant Leadership

This type of leader focuses on the needs and well-being of their team. While the name sounds a little strange, a servant leader focuses on empowering employees to take control of their professional development. There is a significant emphasis on creating a positive work environment where employees can thrive, and servant leaders often prioritize their team’s interests.

Bottom Line

Certain types of leaders are best suited to different types of businesses. For example, an authoritative leader would excel in a factory setting where decisions must be made quickly by someone with executive control, and safety is the top priority. Transactional leaders shine in retail because they focus on maximum performance and reward successes or provide consequences for failures.

Different executive leaders flourish in different scenarios. Vancouver’s competitive landscape is the perfect place to challenge your leadership capabilities, and Pivot HR wants to help you realize that potential.

Want to learn more? Contact our team today for more information on Executive Leadership Coaching sessions!

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