Lead By Example: Anti-Bullying & Harassment Training for Leaders

anti bullying and harassment training canada

In part one, we discussed how workplace bullying and harassment are defined, the signs to watch for, and the fine line between management and bullying. This part will focus on the necessary training for management to mitigate and prevent bullying and harassment within the workplace.

In Pivot HR’s Anti-Bullying and Harassment training, we provide management with the tools to fill out their metaphorical toolkit. Keep reading to learn more about the tools Pivot HR equips managers and employees with.

Establishing Clear Policies & Procedures

What if a manager is a bully? How does an employee report on their superior without fear of retaliation? Pivot HR can assist with the wording of policy documents, using clear and concise language that is easy for employees to understand and know their rights.

Leaders set the tone. Leaders can tell their employees there is zero tolerance for bullying and harassment in the workplace, but they need to show there are serious consequences. A leadership team is only effective when they say what they mean and mean what they say. When management holds bullies accountable for unacceptable behaviour, they gain the respect and trust of their employees.

At the end of the day, keeping a bully on the payroll will cost your business more money in the long run. When bullies run unchecked in the workplace, there will likely be unusually high turnover; employers must search for the common denominator.

Bystander vs Upstander

We’ve all been bystanders before. Sometimes, we don’t register that what happened was wrong until hours or days later. If someone’s behaviour seems wrong, it probably is. While bystanders are not the perpetrators, allowing bullying to go unchecked without speaking up makes bystanders complicit in the violence.

The innate human response to traumatic events is fight, flight or freeze. In the example of witnessing a bully pick on their victim, those initial responses would look like: fight by standing up to the bully as it’s happening; flight by fleeing the scene, pretending they saw nothing; or freeze, feeling immobilized at the scene and at a loss for how to help.

The many topics Pivot HR’s training session will cover include the bystander effect. Leadership and employees will receive the tools to understand the difference between bystanders and upstanders, and how to be a supportive ally to their peers.

Psychological Safety

Bullies hold a lot of power over their victims, especially if the bully is a superior. For the victims, choosing to report the abuse can feel like putting a target on their back.

Everyone deserves to feel safe, valued and respected in the workplace, and the psychological impact of bullying in the workplace cannot be understated. Bullying victims may develop post-traumatic stress disorder from the severity of the harassment.

Pivot HR offers additional management training on the Importance of Psychological Safety in the Workplace.

Measurable Learning Outcomes

Pivot HR tailors all training sessions to the organization. If there is a particular issue the business is struggling to address, we can help. We have an endless supply of case studies that can be used in training to resonate with the team.

By the end of the training, participants will understand what constitutes workplace violence; the impact of bullying, harassment and discrimination on mental health; the importance of psychological safety at work; how to support fellow employees and much more.

Contact Us

Pivot HR has offices in Vancouver and Toronto, where we can provide in-person training sessions at your office. However, online training via Zoom is also available for businesses across Canada.

Is your business struggling with bullying and harassment? Contact Pivot HR today.

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